Health & Wellbeing
Do you want to adopt a healthier lifestyle?
Have a health condition and want to manage it better?
Would you like to meet new friends?
Or do you just want to have fun?
Ways we can help
Our health and wellbeing services can provide opportunities to connect with others, improve your health and develop your life skills.
At Aspiring Futures we work with women on a 1-2-1 basis as well as in a group setting to offer practical tips, information and advice on taking care of mental, emotional and physical health. Taking care of yourself is key to improved mood, physical wellbeing and reduced anxiety.
See our Counselling page for 1-2-1 counselling and psychotherapy
Food and Mood
Attend our workshop for advice on how food can affect your mood and practical tips on how to eat healthier. You’ll also learn new recipes to try at home and share with friends and family.
Physical Activity
Exercising and physical activity should be part of everyday life. We offer group activities such Zumba and walks in the park and also organise day trips e.g. Birmingham Market, National Trust centres for enjoyment and fresh air.
Arts and Crafts
Getting crafty at Aspiring Futures is a great way to make new friends, feel happy and relaxed. A place to get together to learn, share and laugh. Knitting, sewing, crochet, glass painting, fabric paint, and drawing are some of the activities organised. Women who attend tell us they feel their mental health and emotional wellbeing has improved through our creative sessions.
ESOL for Health
- Does your English need improving?
- Would you like to be able to speak to your teacher?
- Would you like to be able to go to your doctors with confidence?
- Or be able to choose the right dentist?
We offer interactive group sessions at various local venues and primary schools particularly for parents who are new to the country or for parents where English is not their first language.
Befriending Service
Feeling lonely or isolated or just want a friendly person to chat to?
Our Befriending Service is available for women of any age who have issues that are keeping them lonely and isolated. We offer face-to-face befriending through home visits or meeting with you at a convenient place. Telephone befriending offers you an opportunity to talk to someone on a regular basis. A 30-minute chat can help you to share your interests and any other issues on your mind.
Mental Health Workshops
We recognise that poor mental health is increasing and many people feel uncomfortable talking about how they are feeling because they fear being stigmatised. We deliver interactive group workshops to raise awareness of mental health and to understand and recognise the causes, symptoms and support options. Sessions aim to build your resilience so that you can better cope with situations, build your confidence and have healthier relationships.
We also offer individual therapy and counselling
Peer Support
We sometimes have more in common than we realise. Sitting down and enjoying one another’s company is a great way access support. At Aspiring Futures we offer you a safe and comfortable space to learn, share and meet others.
Family Activities
We support families through our various fun activities i.e. mom and toddler group, holiday family club. The activities include arts and crafts, Zumba, outdoor games.
Community and Social Events
We hold women-only, family and sometimes public events to connect with our communities, inform and educate them.
Attending a Healthier Lifestyles workshop at Aspiring Futures has improved my exercise routine. My frequency of exercise has increased from once a week to three times a week
Support for Young Girls
Our activities offer a safe place for girls to come, connect with others and learn new skills.
We offer:
- one-to-one counselling for girls above the age of 12;
- group sessions to encourage healthier lifestyles;
- awareness of diet and skills for life to build a resilient mind and
- healthier relationships.
Aspiring Futures empowers women and girls to have the confidence and skills to follow their aspirations. We can help you to discover and make decisions on services you are interested in, based on your individual needs, circumstances and interests.
We provide clear, relevant and up to date information on the phone, online or face to face.